What’s in My Trash? 2020 Year End Wrap Up

So my goal was $3,500 in products so I would be encouraged to use my more expensive products as well as my full size products and I am happy to say that I did reach my goal and I used up $3,621.72!

Final Totals:

So I used significantly less items this year. I don’t know if that is because I focused more on full size items of it was because of lockdown and generally just using less stuff because I was doing less stuff. But Compared to last years stats I used up nearly $600 more stuff and decreased my percent paid ratio by 8% so I was getting much better value out of my products this year. My cost per item was 6 cents higher but that seems pretty negligible considering the massive amount of items difference this year 394 vs last years 568 items. I also increase my Avg Month Value and decreased my Avg Paid Per Month.

Overall I can say that this year was a pretty big success. Woot Woot.

Final Totals By Category:

I decluttered so much less this year. I don’t know if that is good of bad but it is the stand out difference in item totals between 2020 and 2019. And I used 50% less perfume which makes senses considering the year and a decent amount more in candles and such which also makes sense. Other then decluttering the average of each category used up each month is with margin of error the same so that’s pretty interesting to see that even when the number of products involved changed the ratios pretty much stay the same. That really helps pinpoint what I can buy extras of vs what I really shouldn’t.

Now for some fun nerdy pie charts:

So Skincare came in at the exact same percentage as last year, a whole third of my used up products. I am really glad to once again see that Makeup doesn’t come in last place even though half of my categories all tied at 3rd least used. It just find this mostly equally spread out break down this year so interesting and not what I was thinking it was going to be.

I leave declutters out of this because I don’t want the values of items I am not using up to taint my data.

As we can see here I pay the most for HomeScents, Skincare, and Haircare in that order; But I get the most value out of Skincare, HomeScents, and Makeup.

I know Last year I really wanted to spend less on candles and use up alot of what I had and reduce my collection. While I wasn’t really successful in accumulating less candles ands and things I did seriously reduce my collection of items. They fully fit in my storage for them again with space and this time last year I had totally outgrown the storage area I have for them. That is a win for sure. And I have gotten better and only buying as many or less than a used so it is an improvement.

I also wanted to work on using up full size perfumes but that seriously got derailed this year so I am not going to beat myself up about it. I was not motivated to use my expensive perfumes to sit around the house so I was mostly using up less expensive body sprays because I still like to have a scent even if I am not going out.

So 2021 goals. After the year we have had it feels hard to commit to anything in the future because who knows what is going to happen but I want to use up 400 products and have a value of $3,000. I really neglected my non full size products this year and they have certainly started to pile up and need to be moved out but I also want to stay motivated to use my expensive full sizes so by having both goals I feel like I have two things to work towards and will be forced to switch things up more because having the same routines for things for such long stretches was kinda boring for me.

This breaks down to about $250 and 33 products per month which feels more then doable. The more subjective goal is to just get more use and try more things in my collection rather then committing to full size products this year.

Happy panning this year every one.

<3 Nightmare Before Makeup