What’s in My Trash? 2019 Year End Wrap Up

So mu 2019 goal was to use up 600 products for the whole year just over 1.5 products a day. I did not succeed on that goal I missed it by 32 items so disappointing. I had thought I was doing so well but I guess not.

Final Totals for 2019:

I learned this year that I actually spend less then I thought I did on my beauty products which is good. Just about 29% of the cost of a product is what I spend on average between sales/coupons/gifts/boxes. Which makes me feel pretty damn proud of my deal skills lol.

For the rest of the data I have I broke it down in to categories of products per month, but unfortunately the category data for April got corrupted and lost so all the data that is broken down by category is done out of 11 months excluding the April data I lost. But the Total Data above does include the totals from April that data I did not lose.

Final Totals By Category:

For the purpose of identinfying where I use the most and spend the most I excluded Decluttered items.

I know I use the most skincare up a full third of what I use during the year which I am not shocked by at all.

But I fully did not expect for all the random thing I use to my next biggest category at 12%. I was expecting it to be Home Scents or Perfume to be honest.

I also expected Makeup to be my least used up category certainly not Lip, I feel like I get through at least 12 or more lip products a year but I didn’t think I was using up that much make up I am pretty happy with myself that Makeup isn’t dead last. I also used up so much perfume this year I was surprised it was so low.

I spend the most on Skincare but skincare is expensive and it is worth the investment with how much I get through that seems appropriate just over $200 in a year is hardly excessive.

Uh I spend way to much on candles clearly I need to cool that down it. takes me a long time to get through a candle or a wax melt and I do not need the huge collection I have of them.

I knew I spent the least on Perfumes since I almost never buy perfume for myself they mostly come to me as presents or in boxes so I knew that it would be the thing I spend the least on and will probably always stay that way.

I don’t do that much with my hair so I am surprised I spent that much on hair stuff over the course of the year in products I used. I have been making sure to use treatments and masks more so maybe that made the difference but I don’t know.

This charts just for the funsies of seeing the retail value of what I use some things are so ridiculously over priced at full price its comical and it shows since i rarely spend full price on anything.

This is to help me be better about how much I should be allowing myself to spend each month in each category since that is all I can realistically use up. To be fair I know it won’t change my actual makeup budget but I am going to be better about sticking closer to these numbers for things like candles and lip balms that I don’t use up very fast.

I am not the most proud of how I did this year like i have been in years past. This coming year I want to focus on using alot of my more expensive products rather then saving them for some better rainy day in the future.

So I am making my 2020 goal to use up $3,500 in retail value (not what I spent dear god no) of products. I am not giving myself a month or yearly product totally goal so that maybe I use up some more full size items that will also help add to that value. I already used up an almost $100 eye cream so hey that is a great start to this goal this year. I also really want to pare down my older perfumes a bit so I will be working on some expensive perfumes as well that should help me on my way to $3,500.

Anyone else looking to keep track of their empties? Or anything you were really proud of using up? I was particularly proud of using up my oldest perfume right before it went bad. Comment down below! I love to chat.

<3 Nightmare Before Makeup