What’s in My Trash? 2022 Year End Wrap Up

Well my goal was 333 items and $4000 of product and to reduce all my category totals and that didn’t quite happen missed two of the three. Used up 371 items for a totally $3769.46 and only reduced two categories.

Final Results

Compared to 2021

Final Totals By Month and Category

Nothing in particular really stands out to me this year in what I used up.

Pie Charts

Switching it up a bit this year I don’t think Bodycare has ever made it into the top three of used items.

No dramatic changes in the value either not that I expect there ever to be candle and skincare and perfume are always going to be the most pricey items I own.

And everything here is much the same as well. I just feel this experiment tells me nothing but that I am consistent.

Now for the Results of the Big Category Project

In total I only ended up with 66 more items then I started with which averages to 5.5 a month really not that bad very not that bad when I take into account that about 24 items were Christmas gifts so 42 items ends up at 3.5 items a month. I actually lowered the Skincare category and Lip which I had really wanted to focus on.

I really don’t know what I want my goals for next year to be I will have to think on it alot over this month.

<3 Nightmare Before Makeup