What’s in My Trash? 2021 Year End Wrap Up

So my goal was 400 products and $3,500 in value and succeed with 450 and $3,930.84!!

Final Results

Compared to 2020

I did better in every category which is amazing. That is really what I wanted. I feel like so much stuff comes into my life and it feels like I am never using enough to get ahead let alone catch up. I know more then 394 new things have come into my life. I really want to focusing on reducing category totals overall so that will be part of this years goals.

Final Totals By Category:

Things that stand out to me:

Well I decluttered exactly double as much as I decluttered last year for whatever that information is worth.

Dear god I need to spend less on candles.

Skincare is so like my most consistent category and all prices and percentages are so close every year, I don’t know what that says about me either.

Also I really love a bougie lip balm and I need to cool it with that. I justify it because I actually finish them and really enjoy it the whole time but I have enough I have 42 lip balms/scrubs/lip masks etc and that is insane. I would need to use up 3 to 4 a month to use them up in a year and I use up like 1 a month. I have nearly a 4 yr supply that is crazy person status.

And Now for Some Pie Charts

Skincare still about a third that is apparently just where I sit which is fine with me. Lip and Perfume are tied for last place last year they were second to last and last place respectively. Declutter moved up to second place and it is nice to have four categories that broke double digits.

Most value out of my Skincare, Home Scents, and Perfume use. Last year makeup had made it into the top 3 but I got the same value out of it so that’s good. I wish it was more though.

I don’t really have any interesting insights other then I need to stop buying candles for awhile.

So 2022 Goals, I really really want to focus on maintaing and reducing my collection overall. I am really maxing out space and it is not great for me. I plan on doing a declutter of my makeup (slowly) over the next twoish months so that will move alot out. But I will be keeping track of the category totals of my collection month to month. To see how I am doing and be more conscious of what I am bringing in.

Also I want to stretch myself to $4000 goal this year. I don’t think I am going to make an exact monthly item goal I want to be using about 100 items a quarter or the same 400 items a year.

<3 Nightmare Before Makeup