My Makeup Habits Tag

I saw Beautbean’s video on her Makeup Habits and I thought it was such a good idea. I love her makeup style so I thought it would be a cute one to replicate here since alot of tags don’t really make sense written on a blog but this one does.

It is a 13 question tag and that is my favorite number so it was clearly meant to be.

1. How often do you wear a full face of makeup? (foundation, eye shadow, contour… THE WORKS)

  • Rarely only if its an event where I’ll be taking alot of pictures. I avoid foundation alot of them break me out, I feel like my skin really doesn’t need it on a daily basis. I mostly do a fun eye a highlighter and a lip and call it a day.

2. Is your everyday makeup look more neutral or more colorful?

  • Colorful for sure. I never do a neutral eye I feel like they look so boring and blend in too much.

3. How long does it take you do do your go to makeup look?

  • I don’t have a “go-to” look I always do something different but the standard amount of makeup I would put on is like 20 to 30 minutes.

4. Do you apply your foundation before or after you’ve done your eye shadow?

  • Always after I don’t understand how people can do it before I can be so messy with my eyeshadow it would be twice as much work!

5. What are some “bad” makeup habits you have that you can’t stop doing?

There are probably so many that I don’t even know I am making but I have a few that I know people think are bad but I love and will continue to do always.

  • Black eyeliner even if I am not wearing other makeup.
  • A stripe of intense or colored highlighter it’s just so fun sometimes!
  • Forgetting mascara (so often!)
  • Bold eye & Bold Lip on the same look

6. Do you use beauty influencer techniques or your own techniques to apply your makeup?

  • Not really I can’t think of any Youtuber tricks or anything that I use except maybe using tape for my eyeliner but I feel like that is such an old trick I don’t know if it counts?

7. What is the one step in your makeup routine that takes the longest to complete?

  • Definitely eyeshadow. It is the thing I enjoy the most and the thing I like to take my time and enjoy and have fun doing.

8. What is one step in your makeup routine that you’re okay with skipping? What is one step in your makeup routine you will never skip?

  • Well I mean there’s most steps I am ok with skipping since I don;t really do the whole base routine most days but if I only count the steps I do. I would say bronzer/contour or eyebrows maybe. Or lips I could skip lips.
  • I never skip eyeliner never. It is like the staple element of my whole being.

9. What type of makeup looks are out of your comfort zone?

  • Neutral eye looks
  • “No Makeup” Makeup, I’d rather just wear no makeup
  • That very tanned/bronze JLo glow type of look

10. Do you wear matte liquid lipstick, cream lipstick, gloss, or a mixture?

  • I am a matte liquid lip girl all the way. I switch it up and will use a matte or cream bullet lipstick but I prefer matte lips that I don’t need to baby sit all day. I DETEST gloss so much it is stick and messy and I don’t love the shiny lip look.

11. If you could only wear one shade of lipstick for the rest of your life what would it be?

  • Omg this is so hard! I love so many lip shades I love a good red lip I wear black lips with so many of my looks but sometimes I need a neutral lip or a nice berry in the fall. Don’t make me choose! 🙁
  • If it was gun to my head situation I would probably have to say black since in my mind it is both neutral and bold goes with everything I wear.

12. Do you highlight and contour your face?

  • Even though I don’t wear foundation I almost always highlight and I usually contour lightly for definition I like how it looks and it makes me feel more confident.

13. What is the one step in your makeup routine that makes you feel the most complete?

  • BLACK EYELINER I think I said this like 50 times already I just am addicted. It feeds my emo/rock soul. It has been a part of my routine forever and it just makes me happy. That and any/all eyeliners in general I just love them.

So that was my first tag ever it was really fun! Don’t be too hard on me!

<3 Nightmare Before Makeup